ATID - Anti Threat Intelligent Detector
As our world is changing rapidly, threats can appear in a size of a human hand and even smaller! They can come in numbers, fast speed and capability of causing enormous damage to people, boarders, sport and music events, ports and more.
ATID systems has been developed in response to the continued escalation of threats posed by drones and other UAVs, to critical infrastructure sites including airports, prisons and military bases.
The Capture Systems Counter-UAS detection and tracking system uses both daylight and thermal imaging cameras to detect and track up to five threats simultaneously and in real-time, including:
Maritime vessels
Based on Caracal positioner, ATID is one unit solution with wide range of possible enhancements that can be added upon costumer needs.
The basic unit includes:
Caracal Pan Tilt System
HD Day Camera
Highly sensitive night camera
Option for stabilized unit
Option for GPS
Capture control panel
Another enhancements such as: jammer, weaponry payloads to takeout threats, radar etc.
Stabilized units are suitable to use on land (vehicles) or at sea.
